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raphael 23:58, 13 May 2011 (UTC):

The class of emission consists of three parts which can be provided together.
frequency modulation, data transmission speed, frequency deviation e.g. F1B, 50 Baud, +/- 25 Hz
Which data format should be used? I am not 100% convinced that the settings of a radio receiver on board can be automatically controlled by the ECDIS machine. If we assume that it is possible, than I suggest to use a formatted string (type A?) and the values comma separated like (F1B,50,25). Otherwise a simple string is sufficient.

Assuming it is possible, the data model might end up being dictated by the system interface requirements (a hypothetical NMEA standard?).

jens 10:42, 14 May 2011 (UTC) Honestly spoken, I have got no idea. I will check that with a radio officer. Our, my office stuff, knowledge is that all has been setted individually, by separate switches. I should check whether a NMEA standard exists.